our stories

Guest stories

We have hosted thousands of guests over our 48-year history...guests who have come from all 95 counties in TN, all 50 states and 40 foreign countries. All are welcome regardless of age or diagnosis.


Board member stories

THE PHHH BOARD OF directors is a dynamic group of industry leaders from all around Nashville. All major decisions and budgets are carefully managed and scrutinized by these trusted individuals. Our Executive Director reports directly to the Board Chair.


Volunteer stories

We could not operate without our volunteers and their countless hours of donated time. Volunteering can come in many forms including meal preparation or donation, "Wish List" item drives, front desk support, after hours support, service project coordination and assisting with our Waiting Room Adoption Program. Their help is ESSENTIAL and APPRECIATED.


Do you have a story to share?

Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
We love to share stories of our families and guests! Thank you!